Still got some cambelt issues, but waiting on a pulley which should resolve that, fingers crossed, but has meant very little progress on engine side of things as unable to run it now until ive got the pulley back...
So have used the last week or so focusing on blower mounting, which has frankly been a total ballache, but starting to get there now.
Got my manifold back from tigg'ing last week, which meant my most loved job....not....heat wrapping! Everytime this stupid stuff piss's me off / gets all itchy and horrible, but had to be done, so set about doing it in a couple evenings to get it out the way:
Was really fidly / tight, but got there in the end, its no pro job, but its good enough for me
Then set about bolting up the blowers / bypass, and heatwrapping that also:
Then got it mounted in the car, and sorted out the oil feeds / returns, still waiting on some fittings for the return on the VNT as dont have anything suitable, but got the big'un plumbed in.
Also got the supercharger re mounted on the new mounting face, which *fingers crossed* will be the final location, but cant test as cant run it up yet with no belt setup etc, but should be with me soon
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